wedding ideas

The Idea Board | Proposing to your Bridesmaids

So you've got the guy but now you need to gather your girls! You can send a sweet note, package up a "before and after" gift set with little bottles of booze & mints (for before the shindig) and baby aspirin & tea (for after the soiree), or send a cute momento - like an embroidered scarf with your new initials and hers. The ideas are endless and will make your bridesmaids feel super special!

First Row: Genevieve Renee Photographie  Second Row: Buzzfeed 

One Fine Day Events is a wedding production company specialized in private estate weddings in Lake Tahoe.

Our Favorite this week from Tahoe Unveiled

This week has been unintentionally devoted to some of your best allies in the wedding world - your bridesmaids! It can super stressful planning your wedding with the costs, budgets, family dilemas and destination wedding planning in general. But, one more thing to consider is the financial stress it might cause to your bridesmaids. It is always a good idea to come up with a rough estimate of what you are asking your bridesmaids to spend for your wedding and then making sure it's a comfortable and realistic amount for everyone involved -  take a peek below for the average costs of a maid.


Fab Finds | Newly Maid

If you are wondering what to do with your old bridesmaids dress I have the perfect solution for you, Newly Maid! Newly Maid is a website designed to turn that old bridesmaids dress in the back of your closet into a new dress you will actually wear again! You simply mail your old dress to Newly Maid and they will donate your dress material to charity and also "unlock" a special discount price on a Little Black Dress you can buy on their website designed by the Dessy Group. The Dessy Group is a leading manufacturer of bridesmaid, social occasion, & flower girl dresses under labels such as: Cynthia Rowley, Dessy Collection, After Six, Alfred Sung, and Lela Rose. Newly Maid provides several LBD options to replace your old dress. Donating to charity AND getting a new dress sounds like a great idea to me! Images for Newly Maid

Images provided by Newly Maid